@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
Customer List

Customer information and transactions are available for your perusal, allowing you to review all customer-related transactions.

Review customer transactions for today.
Add Customer

This segment provides the capability to incorporate or import new customers into the system. You can achieve this by selecting "Add Customer" or utilizing the import function.

Import Customers
Download Sample csv
@foreach($customers as $customer) @endforeach
Customer Phone Address /
EnteredBy Last Purchase
{{@strtoupper($customer->customer_name)}} {{$customer->customer_phone}} {{@strtoupper($customer->customer_address)}} {{@strtoupper($customer->customer_enteredby)}} {{@strtoupper($customer->customer_branch)}}
@if($customer->customer_name !== "WALK-IN CUSTOMER") @endif @if($customer->customer_name == "WALK-IN CUSTOMER") @else @endif